
Retreats, Workshops, Trainings

Bring Living Systems Principles and Strategy to your group or organization

Infuse your group or organization with tools and processes rooted in how nature has evolved and responded to challenges on this planet over the past 3.8 billion years.

By integrating what helps humans to thrive, we glean strategy for vibrant groups and communities.

Times are tough

Your group or organization can adapt, while discovering new, more fulfilling ways forward

“ Facilitation is a craft, a work of art. True facilitators are attuned weavers, bringing people together, with their purpose and goals. Surprise, joy, hope, stories and a willingness to look directly and truthfully at the present situation are just some of the threads of the fabric.”

Christi provides retreat facilitation, trainings, or consultation to help your organization thrive

She offers facilitation in person and online.

facilitation inspired by living systems

What are living systems?

The Biomimicry Institute for Social Innovation has coined the phrase “living systems principles” as it relates to social systems. The Earth does an amazing job of adapting and responding to disruption, while diversifying and evolving.

Our social systems can do the same.

Human beings require certain conditions to thrive. We can apply this knowledge to bring wellness and effectiveness to our organizations and everyday life.

Let’s Connect

Curious how I might be helpful to your group? Reach Out here to schedule a phone call. Together we can design a retreat, workshop, or training to meet your specific needs.

  • A group of citizens leading a grassroots creative district initiative, supported by local government staff, repeatedly opted to utilize Christi Strickland’s excellent facilitation for their annual retreat. Christi’s attentive and customized approach engendered trust, sparked conversations that continued for years, and helped to foster a common language between disparate members. Her creativity and depth fostered innovation and clarity within the group’s processes and actions.

    Diedra Silbert

  • We have been fortunate to have Christi regularly lead us on our School of Lost Borders annual retreats. She is immensely skillful as a facilitator - working wisely with both the humans involved and the bigger picture of the organizational whole. Guiding a group of highly experienced guides is no small thing and she delivers with skillfulness, savvy and whole-heartedness, each and every time. She is intelligent, intuitive and brings out the best in all involved. If you need great good guidance in times of organizational change then Christi is your go to.

    The School of Lost Borders, Tess Howell and the Guiding Council

  • Christi, is a true compassionate leader. She not only models inclusiveness - she lives it! Her facilitation skills are exceptional.

    Jonathan Kabat LMFT, MA, Group Facilitator.

  • As a group facilitator, Christi radiates presence with her straightforward clarity, gentle humor and with her choice to live in honesty. Not only does she have the training, she has a deep intuitive sense for how to connect with humans and the natural world. I feel that she is able to create an environment for anyone's voice to be received with respect.

    Tyler Ryan